Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Kinship Fund - July 2013 Update

Blog Title: Kinship Fund - July 2013 Update

Welcome to our blog. We are using this platform to acquire further interest in our Private Fund and to provide on-going information as to what we are doing and how we are progressing in this challenging field as a Private Managed Futures Fund (working under our local Capital Raising Exception Act). Currently, we are seeking capital from qualified investors. Kinship Investments is not an advisory service and does not provide investment advice. Please contact lee@kinshipinvestments.com for further information.

Getting Hot!  What an amazing few months it has been, and it is getting nice and toasty around our area.

I was going to divulge the fact that my wife and I personally have entered the fine achievement of home ownership.  But, I would like to keep that to a post in the near future.  There is so much information about what is good and what is terrible about our real estate market.  I have learned a great deal about this and I put my quantitative hat on to get some interesting facts and figures that I will look forward to writing about in the coming weeks.

Currently I have to discuss Gold.  We have just completed a move that needs to be analysed.  Especially for those in the 'trust your advisor' category.

So... Who has Gold in their portfolio?  Well if your Canadian, then you probably do and you may or may not know it.  Maybe your 'Financial Advisor' said that 'owning gold' is a good move for the long term or maybe you own gold stocks.  Did you know that 16.7% of the S&P/TSX 60 (The main Canadian index) is composed of mining stocks which are mainly gold and silver based?

Lets show you the long term Gold picture (you may have to scroll to see it all as I haven't quite figured out how to make a pop up picture in blogger, sorry):

What you are looking at is a measured down move from a Declining Triangle.  The measured move comes from the 2011 low to high and is transfered to the break of the support line at around $1560.

The Declining Triangle is one of the most basic technical chart patterns around.  For 1.5 years this pattern has been developing. 

Did your advisor move or protect these holdings in April 2013?  He/she should have.  It was a text book 24% decline in Gold prices in the last 2.5 months that ended recently.  Where does it go from here?  Who knows?  I believe if you are getting advice in regards to this, you should really take a hard look at who is giving you advice.  This is a basic pattern that is taught through the Canadian Securities Institute.  If you have a CFP, CIM, BS'er, or whatever financial 'expert' advising you in Gold; they should have made adjustments to your portfolio in mid April to protect yourself from the majority of this move.  If they don't understand technical analysis (which is not uncommon), then THEIR superiors and advisers dropped the ball.

Further, if you are now getting advise as to what to do AFTER they dropped the ball, then STOP! THINK!  They have just missed saving you loads of money (or capitalizing on it), and now they say to 'hold steady'?  This has been a multi-month trade that has just completed.  There is no other multi-month trend in effect yet (That I admit, 1190 does look like a low for gold, but who is to say?)  At this time GOLD IS EXIBITING THE PROPERTIES OF GOING DOWN.  That is all anyone can seriously state with any confidence (Unless of course you are a trader NOT an investor).  There are always opportunities, but if someone is giving you advise after bad advise... Then make sure they at least admit that they screwed up in the first place...

Portfolio management must incorporate many things in a tool box, such as fundamentals, news, OR technical analysis (TA).  This is the basic building blocks of financial management.  I am just finishing my level 1 of my Chartered Market Technician (CMT) designation through the Canadian Securities Institute.  Does this mean I am all knowing when it comes to TA?  Absolutely not.  You have to be working on identifying portfolio and holding risks 24/7 (or at least 6/5) if you do not use a quantitative approach to the markets.  We at Kinship Investments utilize computer driven models that get us in and out of trends to be profitable.  As a portfolio manager (CIM, CFP, etc) you have to identify these trends without computers (because you visually have to 'check' the charts) and make sure that if any of your clients have holdings that may be affected... you act.  Do you rely on these types of professionals to look after your holdings?  If the answer is yes, and you have lost money on Gold or your Gold holdings, then you have not been serviced properly.

I know I can expect flack from very well intentioned and good people in regards to my accusations... But I stand firm.  This move was text book... and I am not talking figuratively.  This move is literally in the Technical Analysis Course text book from the Canadian Securities Institute.  If your manager did not see this, then THEIR manager should have.

Make them accountable, this is their job.  Also, maybe give our Kinship Fund some consideration....

Our systems were up 4.5% for the month of June putting us in positive territory for the year.  We definitely have not been producing significant returns for 2013 ourselves.  But, it is nice to finally be in positive territory again and there are indications our current short term positive trend should continue.  Our average return expectations are 16.5% a year, so it will be interesting to see if we are able to put in a rip-roaring 2nd half of 2013!

Please view our latest results, posted @ www.kinshipinvestments.com/trustfund.html

Protect yourselves,
Lee MacFarlane
Derivatives Trader - President
Kinship Investments Ltd.
office (250-385-9132)
fax (250-385-9134)
check us out on
Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future trading results.

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